鲍洋,戴剑勇,徐志豪,康虔.水泥掺量对红粘土固结体抗剪特性影响的试验研究[J].南华大学学报(自然科学版),2019,33(4):32~37.[BAO Yang,DAI Jianyong,XU Zhihao,KANG Qian.Experimental Study on the Effect of Cement Content on the Shear Behavior of Red Clay Consolidation[J].Journal of University of South China(Science and Technology),2019,33(4):32~37.]
Experimental Study on the Effect of Cement Content on the Shear Behavior of Red Clay Consolidation
中文关键词:  红黏土  水泥土  直剪试验  内摩擦角  粘聚力
英文关键词:red clay  cement soil  direct shear test  internal friction angle  cohesion
鲍洋 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
戴剑勇 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
徐志豪 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
康虔 南华大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
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全文下载次数: 816
      In order to investigate the influence of cement content on the shear strength of red clay consolidation,this paper takes the influence of high-content cement on the shear strength index of red clay consolidation as the starting point,and four different cement incorporations are prepared indoors.The direct shear test of red clay cement consolidation under different normal stress conditions was carried out on the red clay consolidation test block.It is found that with the increasing amount of cement,the peak stress drop phenomenon on the shear stress-shear displacement curve of red clay consolidated body gradually appears;The shear strength index of red clay consolidated body increases with the increase of cement content,but the cohesion and internal friction angle increase are not the same:The rate of increase of cohesive force decreases with the increase of cement content, and the law of increase of internal friction angle is “S” type with the increase of cement content.
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