Comparison of clinical effect of percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy and fenestration discectomy on the lumbar disc herniation
投稿时间:2018-12-25  修订日期:2019-11-08
中文关键词:  经皮椎间孔镜椎间盘切除术  椎板开窗椎间盘切除术  腰椎间盘突出症
英文关键词:percutaneous transforaminal discectomy  laminectomy discectomy  lumbar disc herniation
邹凯 长江航运总医院骨外科,湖北 武汉 430010 
娄文杰 长江航运总医院骨外科,湖北 武汉 430010 
唐家国 长江航运总医院骨外科,湖北 武汉 430010 
摘要点击次数: 419
全文下载次数: 348
      To explore the difference in clinical effects of percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy (PTED) and fenestration discectomy (FD) in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation (LDH) patients. 94 patients with LDH were divided into 47 cases of PTED group and FD group according to the surgical method. The results showed, compared to the FD group, the length of surgical incision, the amount of surgical bleeding, and the length of hospital stay, and the levels of serum IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and PGE2 in the PTED group were significantly lower. The ODI index of the PTED group was not significantly different between the two groups at 3 months and 6 months after surgery. Results indicate that both PTED and FD have good results in the treatment of LDH patients, but PTED surgery is less traumatic than FD surgery, and can reduce serum pain-related factors more timely and effectively.
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