Clinic Analysis of Detecting Red Blood Cells of Patients With Benzolism
中文关键词:  红细胞  检验  苯中毒
英文关键词:red blood cells  test  benzolism
葛英杰,彭艳华,张佳愉 湖南省劳动卫生职业病防治所湖南 长沙 413000 
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全文下载次数: 904
      ObjectiveTo investigate the different level of Benzolism on variation of RBC in blood.Method60 healthy people and 72 patients of Benzolism were respectively detected for the percents of RBC and Reticulocytes in blood before any treatment.Acoording to the diffrerent level of Benzolism,the patients were divided into mild,moderate and severe poisoning group.The data of the percents of RBC and Reticulocytes in blood were analyzed before and after treatment.ResultsThe percents of RBC and Reticulocytes of Benzolism group are significantly lower than the normal control group.The percents of the normal control group are (4.81±0.33)×1012/L and 1.10%±0.26%.The percents of the Benzolism group are (2.97±0.24)×1012/L and 0.89%±0.35%.The percent of RBC is significantly different among the three groups before treatment.The mild group is (3.71±0.23)×1012/L,the moderate group is (3.33±0.34)×1012/L and the severe group is (2.49±0.19)×1012/L.After the treatment,the percents of RBC are all higher than before.The difference is significant.ConclusionBenzolism can reduce the percents of RBC and Reticulocytes in bilood,especially the moderate and severe poisoning group.The data of the percent of RBC in blood has reference value in classifying the level of Benzolism.
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