The Knowledge Investigation on the Judgment of “Cannibalism” in Lu Xun's “Madman's Diary”
中文关键词:  鲁迅  《狂人日记》  信念
English Keywords:Lu Xun  Madman's Diary  belief (
Fund Project:
许祖华 华中师范大学 文学院,湖北 武汉 430212 
摘要点击次数: 338
全文下载次数: 164
English Summary:
      The judgment of “cannibalism” in Lu Xun's “Madman's Diary” means “Chinese history is a history of cannibalism”. From the perspective of epistemology, this judgment is a kind of belief rather than knowledge. As a kind of belief, the judgment of “cannibalism” is undoubtedly “one-sided” if viewed from the “cognitive level of belief”; and if viewed from the “evaluative level of belief”, it can also be found to be “one-sided”. But this kind of one-sidedness can be accepted by others, not only can it be accepted by others, but this kind of one-sided belief can also be used by readers of different periods to discover new problems based on different purposes and needs. This may be one of the important reasons why this belief still draws attention to this day.
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