Analysis of Giving Full Play to the Unity and Friendship Function of the CPPCC from the Perspective of the Great United Front
中文关键词:  大统战  政协  团结联谊
English Keywords:Great United Front  CPPCC  unity and friendship (
Fund Project:
吴丽萍 湖南省委党校 湖南行政学院 科社政治学 教研部,湖南 长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 595
全文下载次数: 292
English Summary:
      The unity and friendship is not only the original heart of the CPPCC, but also the basis for the existence and development of the CPPCC. The work of the CPPCC's unity and friendship has an indispensable and irreplaceable unique role in unifying people's minds, rallying people's hearts and gathering strength, resolving various risks and contradictions, and promoting social harmony. However, due to ideological understanding, institutional mechanisms, and ability levels, the unity of the CPPCC ’s unity and friendship has not been fully utilized. In the new era, the function of the CPPCC ’s unity and friendship can only be strengthened and cannot be weakened. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Great United Front structure should be established with working on the unique role of the sector, innovating methods and carriers, perfecting systems and mechanisms, and improving capabilities and levels.
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