Based on Cloud Computing Control Mechanism Research of Edible Agricultural Products Quality and Safety
中文关键词:  云计算  食用农产品质量安全  管控框架  耦合性分析
English Keywords:cloud computing  edible agricultural products quality and safety  precision control mechanism  the coupling analysis (
Fund Project:
肖湘雄 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
温梁 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 652
全文下载次数: 320
English Summary:
      Currently, China has entered a new era. How to update the management and control concept, use emerging technologies to break the quality paradox of edible agricultural products, achieve accurate control of the quality and safety of edible agricultural products, and promote the high-quality development of edible agricultural products has become an urgent problem to be solved. It is found in the research that information asymmetry is the root cause of quality paradox. By sorting out the evolution process of quality and safety control of edible agricultural products, the characteristics and existing problems of the current control mode are analyzed :(1) weak interaction turns to strong interaction, and resources are controlled by the government center. (2) unitization turns to grid, and man-machine trust has not yet been formed. (3) low quality supply turns to high quality supply, and information tampering crisis exists. Based on this, cloud computing technology is introduced in this paper to try to analyze the coupling relationship between cloud computing and accurate quality and safety control of edible agricultural products. It is found that there is a strong coupling relationship between cloud computing and accurate quality and safety control of edible agricultural products. Therefore, in combination with the defects of the current management and control methods, the coupling mechanism of quality safety and accurate management and control of edible agricultural products is constructed, and a new “cloud + control + end” accurate management and control model is created, so as to ensure stable price, supply and increase of edible agricultural products.
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