Personal Information Protection in Epidemic Prevention and Control
中文关键词:  突发公共卫生事件  疫情防控  个人信息
English Keywords:public health emergencies  epidemic prevention and control  personal information
Fund Project:
肖卫华 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421000 
戴蕾 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421000 
摘要点击次数: 2263
全文下载次数: 478
English Summary:
      In a particularly major public health emergency triggered by the CoviD-19 outbreak, Personal information plays a very important role in the effective prevention and control of epidemics in a timely manner, but there are also some problems of personal information leakage and infringement. Therefore, it is necessary to balance personal information collection and processing with personal information protection. First, in the process of epidemic prevention and control, personal information collection should be clearly different from personal data, and cannot be protected simply by the rules of protecting network data; different from the private law norms of general principles of civil law, personal information collection based on informed consent does not need personal consent, and individuals must provide personal information truthfully. At the same time, the subject of personal information collection has to keep confidential or desensitize sensitive information related to personal privacy. Second, in the process of epidemic prevention and control, personal information processing should follow the principle of unified leadership and territorial principle, and use personal information for the purpose of maintaining public health interest. Sensitive information should be separated, and the use of personal information should be published by special functional departments in a timely manner. The principle of minimum proportion should be strictly followed, and the use scope should be controlled within the scope necessary for the use purpose. Third, laws and regulations such as Infectious Diseases Prevention Law、Emergency Response Law、Regulations on Emergency Response to Public Health Emergencies have too abstract and poor operability for the collection and processing of personal information in epidemic prevention and control. Network Security Law cannot replace the legislation on personal information protection, so a unified law on personal information protection needs to be formulated according to the principle and proportion of openness and transparency principles, personal information security management principles, the principle of taking private rights as the center and considering public interests, and establish and improve the legal system of personal information protection.
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