Research on the Relationship Between Local Government Competition and Environmental Quality Based on Meta-analysis
中文关键词:  Meta分析  地方政府竞争  环境质量  晋升激励  环境规制
English Keywords:Meta-analysis  local government competition  promotion incentive  environmental quality  environmental regulation
Fund Project:
李想 四川大学 经济学院,四川 成都 610064 
朱冬元 四川大学 经济学院,四川 成都 610064 
齐睿 四川大学 经济学院,四川 成都 610064 
摘要点击次数: 1298
全文下载次数: 621
English Summary:
      Since the four-decades' reform and opening-up, political promotion and fiscal decentralization as the core of the incentive mechanism is the important reasons for China's steady economic growth. However, while mobilizing local governments to pursue economic growth, this incentive mechanism will also generate incentives and distortions in their environmental behavior. Current quantitative study on the relationship between local government competition and environmental quality because of the value orientation and data scale, the measurement results of the correlation coefficients between the two are significant and even contradictory. In this paper, the meta-correlation analysis is used to study 41 literatures on the relationship between local government and environmental quality in China, which reduces the influence of measurement tool variables on correlation results. The results show that the four research hypotheses are positively correlated with promotion incentive and environmental pollution, promotion incentive and environmental regulation, competition pressure and environmental pollution, competition pressure and environment regulation.
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