Aü Comparative Analysis on Improving Ability of Poverty Alleviation of Grass-roots Cadres under the Background of Accurate Poverty Alleviation
中文关键词:  基层干部  贫困认知  扶贫能力  提升
English Keywords:grass-roots cadres  cognition of poverty  ability of poverty alleviation  improvement
Fund Project:
袁书杰 中央党校 国家行政学院 中国领导科学研究中心,北京 100089 
摘要点击次数: 990
全文下载次数: 585
English Summary:
      We must strengthen and improve the leadership of the party in tackling poverty alleviation. Grass-roots cadres are the key minority in the grass-roots governance and poverty alleviation. This paper adopted a quantitative method to study the cognition of grass-roots cadres in poverty alleviation,and compare the poverty view of the grass-roots cadres and the poor. It found that grass-roots cadres had a firm will and a strong willingness to take the lead in poverty alleviation; there was significant difference between grass-roots leaders and the poor in terms of motivation attribution and fate attribution; the top four ablities of precision alleviation of grassroots cadres were policy understanding, decision making, executive ability and economic work ability. On the analysis of the problems and causes of the inadequate poverty alleviation ability, it put forward suggestions to improve the ability of poverty alleviation of grass-roots cadres.
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