A Unified Recognition and Enforcement Rules for Investment Dispute Settlement ——From the perspective of The Belt and Road
中文关键词:  “一带一路”  投资争端解决  承认与执行规则
English Keywords:The Belt and Road  investment dispute settlement  recognition and enforcement rules
Fund Project:
刘明萍 湘潭大学 非洲法律与社会研究中心,湖南 湘潭 411105 
张小虎 湘潭大学 非洲法律与社会研究中心,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 926
全文下载次数: 533
English Summary:
      With The Belt and Road initiative actively promotes and achieves good results, investment disputes are also increasing, in which, patterns and types are more complex. For now, the conditions for establishing a unified mechanism are not yet ripe, but it is feasible to formulate a unified recognition and enforcement rules for investment dispute settlement for the formation of the international social governance model and the trend of convergence of investment rules. A unified recognition and enforcement rules for investment dispute settlement can provide institutional guarantees for the establishment of the comprehensive dispute resolution mechanisms for litigation, arbitration and mediation. These rules should cover five elements-the rule of cooperative reciprocity, the rule of jurisdiction review, the rule of procedural justice, the rule of effectiveness review and the rule of public interest exceptions. Then rules for the recognition and enforcement of arbitration may be drawn up with reference to the New York Convention.
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