陈宁.从“生存”到“尊重”:我国居家养老服务理念的嬗变[J].,2018,(2):58-62 |
从“生存”到“尊重”:我国居家养老服务理念的嬗变 |
From “Living” to “Dignity”:on Evolution of Service Concept of Aged Care at Home in China |
投稿时间:2017-09-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 居家养老服务 消费者主导 生存型服务理念 尊重型服务理念 |
English Keywords:aged care at home consumer directed care living service concept dignity service concept |
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摘要点击次数: 1339 |
全文下载次数: 635 |
中文摘要: |
我国居家养老服务供求结构性矛盾突出,归根结蒂在于我国社会保障体系设置中对社会服务的忽视。文章在需求层次理论的框架下,从生命周期中人的价值出发,重新审视老年人的需求层次和居家养老服务理念,通过对我国居家养老服务理念嬗变的梳理,发现目前养老服务供给理念存在的问题。以积极老龄化理论为目标,指出以尊严为核心的消费者主导下的居家养老服务是提升现有服务水平和缓解供求矛盾的捷径。 |
English Summary: |
Structural contradiction between supply and demand is prominent in aged care at home in China, which is traceable in neglecting their due social service when government designed social security system. On the basis of Maslow's hierarchy of needs framework, this paper examined the needs of the elder and service concept of providers in the view of individual value, carded evolution of aged care at home and identified problems in service concept in China. The consumer directed aged care at home is a shortcut for releasing contradiction between supply and demand of social service and promoting service. |
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