The Reconstruction for Parole System
中文关键词:  综合刑  再社会化  双轨制  积极假释  消极假释
English Keywords:comprehensive punishment doctrine of penalty  re-socialization  dual parole  the positive parole system  the negative parole system
Fund Project:
马柳颖 南华大学 经济与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
黄小龙 南华大学 经济与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1344
全文下载次数: 736
English Summary:
      There is strict requirements in the application of Parole system, which lead to a low rate of application. It hindered parole's re-socialization function. According to comprehensive punishment doctrine of penalty ,based on the existing parole system,it expanded parole's application, reduced the ire-commitment of crime rate and differentiated application condition of commutation and parole, reconstructed dual parole system of ‘positive parole' and ‘negative parole'. It will make for crime re-socialization, increasing parole application rate, creating a new model of transition of criminals. The positive parole system is mainly to inspect the criminals' behaviors in the period of serving sentence .The negative parole system requires compulsory parole after the criminals execute a punishment in a certain.
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