Aesthetic Critique of Ji Kang's Theory of Regimen
中文关键词:  嵇康  养生论  养生论美学
English Keywords:Ji kang  Theory of health preserving  Aesthetics about regimen
Fund Project:
黄文杰 北京师范大学 哲学学院,北京 100875 
摘要点击次数: 944
全文下载次数: 588
English Summary:
      Ji Kang's aesthetics about regimen is the unique manifestation of metaphysics in Wei-Jin Dynasties.Beauty is the perceptual manifestation of absolute freedom as the authentic way of human existence.Ji Kang' definition of freedom as the authentic way of human existence is affected by Chinese traditional realism (outlook on way of heaven).Ji Kang's aesthetics about regimen includes four aspects.First,the nature existing in the way of heaven defines the authentic way of existence.The way of heaven is the realism foundation of freedom as the authentic existence,and the realization of aesthetic reduction is internally based on sharing the way of heaven.Second,excessive indulgence deconstructs the meaning of life.The objective way of existence characterized by the excessive human desires gives practical reasons about conducting aesthetic reduction.Third,regimen following the way of heaven is an approach to aesthetic reduction.In fact,regimen following the way of heaven aims to activate the human nature in itself,restrict the over-inflation of human desires,and finally realize the authentic way of existence.Fourth,letting the heart in the absolute freedom and opening into everything will present the ultimate state of mind.It is the internal definition of the way of heaven,and also the perceptual manifestation of beauty in the sense of ultimate reality.At last,the sense of self puts a limit on Ji Kang's aesthetics about regimen.In essence,the way of heaven is the subjective construction of self-consciousness,so the nullity of the way of heaven determines that Ji Kang's aesthetics has a drawback in theory,and also directly determines the authenticity and reliability of aesthetics about regimen at the following theoretical dimensions:realism,existentialism,reductionism and state of mind.
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