Richard Hoggart's Culture Critique
中文关键词:  理查德·霍加特  大众文化  男性身体  身体复合
English Keywords:Richard Hoggart  mass culture  male body  body synthesis.
Fund Project:
赵冰 外交学院 英语系,北京 102206 
摘要点击次数: 938
全文下载次数: 580
English Summary:
      Body features an important metaphor in Richard Hoggart's The Uses of Literacy:Aspects of Working-class Life,one of the three founding texts of British Cultural Studies. This metaphor maps the cultural situation in post-war Britain,especially the erosion of traditional working class culture by mass culture and such resistance against it as is demonstrated by the feeling male body of the Scholarship Boy. The feeling male body,as the combination of older body forms,goes beyond the female body sexualized by mass culture and the emotionless,asexualized Mother's body,functioning both as the symptom of the culturally bruised society and its antidote.
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