On the Social Ecological Perspective of the Effectiveness of Marxism Theory Education
中文关键词:  马克思主义  高校马克思主义理论教育  社会生态  意识形态建设
English Keywords:marxism  marxism theory education in college  social ecology  ideological construction
Fund Project:
杨增岽 北京师范大学 中国化马克思主义理论研究与教育宣传协同创新中心,北京 100875 
尚九玉 北京师范大学 中国化马克思主义理论研究与教育宣传协同创新中心,北京 100875 
摘要点击次数: 1073
全文下载次数: 652
English Summary:
      Marxism theory education in colleges,have the characteristics of both general knowledge education and education of value, which determines that the effectiveness of education was not completely depended on the logical theory knowledge “thorough”. Contemporary Chinese social ecosystem is the natural soil, which is closely relative to all the teaching activities, including Marxism theory education. And educational activities exist and become possible according to it, and are deeply rooted in it. The effectiveness of Marxism’s mass communication and acceptance,which is a kind of social ecosystem, attributes to astable equilibrium state, and its effectiveness of generation is inseparable from different social ecological “subsystem” force support.
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