A Systematic Structural Comparison Between Chinese and English Numerals of Estimation
中文关键词:  概数表达形式    结构比较    概数表达形式连用    逆序结构
English Keywords:numerals of estimation  comparison of structure  co-occurrence of numerals of estimation  reversed structure
Fund Project:
刘苹 中南民族大学 外语学院,湖北 武汉 430074 
摘要点击次数: 1100
全文下载次数: 647
English Summary:
      A structural comparison between Chinese and English numerals of estimation would reflect systematic features of the two languages. Related research is not rare while a systematic comparison of structures is needed and some viewpoints are debatable. The systematic comparison reveals four similar structures and three different ones between them. It also manifests that two numerals of estimation can be used together only that one of them must be an expression of guess. Furthermore, there is a reversed order of Chinese numerals of estimation while there is no such a structure in English. Further comparison between other languages brings a typological conclusion:reversed structure is a structure of numerals of estimation.
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