曹 红 冰.我国农村宅基地使用权流转的法律分析[J].,2015,16(6):93-97
The Analysis of the Law of Transference of Rural Housing Land Use Right
中文关键词:  宅基地使用权  流转  农民权益
English Keywords:land use right circulation rights and interests of farmers
Fund Project:
曹 红 冰 (湖南商学院 法学院湖南 长沙 410205) 
摘要点击次数: 1129
全文下载次数: 1027
English Summary:
      Rural housing land use right is one of the most important land rights of farmers in China,industrialization and the rapid development of market economy made the idle phenomenon of rural housing land and the contradiction of land circulation in private coexist.Because our current legal system of housing land use right transfer,the administrative regulation chaos and housing land use right transfer income distribution are not reasonable,farmers' rights and interests are damaged.The reform of our country's rural land circulation should be conducive to both the rural economical utilization of land resources and the protection of the rights and interests of farmers.
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