陈 娟,刘玉芳.传播西部地域之美的又一新作——评甘建华《冷湖那个地方》[J].,2015,16(5):104-108
A New Book for the Spread of Beauty in West China——Comments on Gan Jianhua's The Place of the Cold Lake
中文关键词:  《冷湖那个地方》  地域美学  人文意识
English Keywords:The Place of the Cold Lake regional aesthetics human consciousness
Fund Project:
陈 娟,刘玉芳 (南华大学 文法学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 954
全文下载次数: 1515
English Summary:
      As one of the Qaidam history series, Gan Jianhua’s The Place of the Cold Lake did vivid description and narration for the west China, such as geography,humanities and personnel matters.From the book,we can catch the beauty of the western region and the profound humanistic consciousness between the lines.At the same time, The Place of the Cold Lake was a vivid West China Tourism Geography guide.The readers can accordingly open their happy journey after reading the book.
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