The Essence of the Family and its Historical Evolution
中文关键词:  家庭  历史演进  本质  重要启示
English Keywords:family  historical evolution essential character  important enlightenment
Fund Project:
张红艳,周晓阳 (南华大学 马克思主义学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
摘要点击次数: 1074
全文下载次数: 1366
English Summary:
      The family is a dynamic concept, which is the most basic and important human social organization. The profundity of its essence lies in five aspects, namely, the family is a form of social organization related by blood or marriage, the most basic unit of life, the most basic form of social organization, a community of life restrained by a particular morality and law and the organism's cells of society. The family develops along with the development of productive forces, and it has experienced a historical evolution process from group marriage to the dual system of marriage, and finally to individual marriage system (monogamy) in the civilization era. An in-depth discussion of this historical evolution process has important enlightenment for the current family development of our contry.
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