The Relationship Between Serial Versifying and Regional Culture Communication
中文关键词:  元稹与白居易平生交好,唱和持续多年,既充当对方唱和信息的传播者,也是受传者,角色屡屡转换。二人因仕历产生频繁的空间位移且涉及广大地域,外任地唱和诗数量亦远超京城为官所作。不容忽视的是,元白与所处环境时刻进行着双向互动。伴随频繁地理位移,元稹、白居易生存于不同地域环境,受新地域文化、水土的滋养和培育,在移动过程中竭力表现所在地的景观。当地风土习俗、山川名物,大大拓展了唱和诗题材内容  反之,元白长达三十载的往来唱和,又为推动地域文化向外辐射、传播提供了条件和途径。
English Keywords:Yuan zhen Bai juyi the serial versifying
Fund Project:
张敬雅 (上海师范大学 人文与传播学院上海 200234) 
摘要点击次数: 982
全文下载次数: 1118
English Summary:
      Yuan zhen and Bai Juyi developed good friendship, so serial versifying lasted between them many years. Both of them played the role either as information communicator or beneficiary. Due to profession change, they moved frequently in large areas, therefore, the amount of serial versifying written in other regions is much more than that of the capital. It cannot be ignored that Yuan zhen and Bai Juyi interacted constantly with the environment they live in. With frequent geographical displacement, they are affected and cultured by local culture and natural environment, which can be reflected in their creation. The content and subject of serial versifying is thus fulfilled by local customs and natural scenery. In the meanwhile, over 30 years of serial versifying developed between them provided opportunities and ways for local culture to radiate and spread.
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