肖 少 启.工具理性:知识产权法律关系的法理学思考[J].,2015,16(3):78-82
Instrumentalism: A Jurisprudential Review on the Intellectual Property Legal Relationship
中文关键词:  知识产权法  知识产权法律关系  构成要素  研究方法  工具理性
English Keywords:intellectual property law intellectual property legal relationship constitutive requirements research methods instrumentalism
Fund Project:
肖 少 启 (韶关学院 法学院广东 韶关512005) 
摘要点击次数: 1043
全文下载次数: 1037
English Summary:
      Intellectual property legal relationship is the core theory in intellectual property legal system.Unfortunately,the academic circles have rarely probed into this issue.Intellectual property legal relation functions as the basis of expansion and construction of intellectual property legal system,which is the core and soul of intellectual property law.As far as intellectual property legislation,judicial practice and intellectual property law teaching research are concerned,intellectual property legal relation theory plays an important role in the deduction from simplicity into complexity as well as lucid exposition of essential points.Alternatively,the philosophy of intellectual property law is substantially the philosophy of intellectual property legal relationship the science of intellectual property law is just the science of intellectual property legal relationship.
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