黎 学 军.青年马克思“历史科学”本义论析[J].,2015,16(3):12-17
On Original Intention of Young Marx's Historical Science
中文关键词:  历史科学  物质生产  政治经济学  资本论
English Keywords:History of science  material production  political economics  Kapital
Fund Project:
黎 学 军 (广西艺术学院 思想政治理论课教学研究部广西 南宁 530021) 
摘要点击次数: 1142
全文下载次数: 1011
English Summary:
      “History” and “science” are both polysemous in Karl Marx'early writings,and his term “historical science” mainly refered to a theory of accurate measurement about the industrial capitalism's frame and its structurual evolution,namely,political economics.After establishing a totalitarian human history view,Marx draw up a mental outline of this historical science(later it became Marx's Political Economics):only a history which concerned about material production is a real history,only by measuring material production can we measure the past of mankind,only by using methods which are similar to natural science can we measure the trajectories of material production accurately,and finaly,only by using the results which are obtained through historical scienctifical methods can we illustrate the status of capitalist society and predicts the future appearance of human society.
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