王 学 荣.“资本逻辑”的逻辑进路:三阶递进生成路径[J].,2015,16(1):53-56
The Logic Approach of “Capital Logic”:The Generated Path of Three Stages Progressive
中文关键词:  马克思  资本逻辑  逻辑进路  三阶递进
English Keywords:Marx  capital logic  logic approach  three stages progressive
Fund Project:
王 学 荣 (复旦大学 马克思主义学院,上海 200433) 
摘要点击次数: 1125
全文下载次数: 924
English Summary:
      There are three stages progressive derived relations in the development process of the capital logic. Marx and Engels lived in the free competition period of capitalism. This is one of the important times in which the capitalism workshop handicraft industry began to change into the large industrial machinery. Free competition is a significant feature in this period. Because of the stimulation and promotion of capital logic,the transition from free competition to monopoly took place since 1870's. By the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century,monopoly began to occupy a dominant position in society. There is a complicated situation of coexistence of competition and monopoly. The western developed capitalism began to transform from fordism to post-fordism after 1870's. This is a new historical form of the capital logic,in which new atmosphere appears . But the series new changes did not get rid of the dominant status of capital logic. The capital logic is still the dominant logic in this period. The new atmosphere is only the“fission fragments”of the capital logic in this special period.
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