The Management and Communication of MediA Under Public Crisis
中文关键词:  公共危机  马航事件  媒体管理
English Keywords:Public crisis  the event of “Malaysia Airlines loss of communication”  media management
Fund Project:
马柳颖,郭珍 南华大学 文法学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1145
全文下载次数: 1343
English Summary:
      In the era of new network, information transfer presents characteristics such as pluralistic, widespread and interactive. The emergence of new media represented by Internet contributes to the high level of freedom of online speech. It can be said that, the new media is a double-edged sword, both can eliminate the public crisis, also can cause the public crisis.As China is a country where public crisis frequently occurs, highlights the profound influence of the media and media management problems. “Malaysia Airlines loss contact” is a typical and international public events, thus triggering a global media attention,the information dissemination of Malaysia Airlines loss contact to the missing, fuzzy people objective judgment.The performance of our media on this event, enlightenment government reflection on media communication and management strategies.
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