Study on the Complex Product Systems Relationship Marketing Model and Its Application
中文关键词:  复杂产品系统  关系营销  价值网络  AP1000核电工程
English Keywords:complex product systems  relationship marketing  value networks  AP1000
Fund Project:
刘兵,邓盈 南华大学 核能经济与管理中心,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1075
全文下载次数: 887
English Summary:
      Complex product systems relationship marketing extends simple customer relationship to relations among the businesses, brokers and suppliers, competitors, government; Integrators, customers and suppliers constitute the value of stakeholder networks. This paper describes complex product systems marketing networks' relationships between project members and reality.Through the allocation of marketing resources and the building of systematic reporting mechanisms and control mechanism, it“gets the ability close to the technological frontier, forms the product series”,and realizes independent innovation; Finally, with the example of the AP1000 nuclear power project for application,it presents the idea of setting the core technical public relations by government, cooperating techniques turn sublicense, integrating and regulating the resource among CNNC and CGNCP, universities and institutes,to in a relatively short time enhance the level of AP1000 nuclear power independent production.
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