Interpretation of “Qu Sao” Aesthetic Tradition
中文关键词:  生命之思  发愤抒情  浪漫寄托  惊彩绝艳
English Keywords:thought of life  strong lyric  romantic sustenance  rich color
Fund Project:
霍明宇 中国艺术研究院 文化研究所北京市 100029 
摘要点击次数: 1360
全文下载次数: 1484
      关于古典诗歌的早期典范之作, 《楚辞》所开创的“屈骚”美学传统足以影响漫长的中国文艺发展史。对此,后世文论家和文学家不断加以阐释。文章结合历代文学、艺术创作和理论观点,对《楚辞》所开创的美学传统进行追溯和分析,指出它以丰富的理性精神开启了诸如爱国主义、悲士不遇等多个艺术母题,又以其带有浓郁的楚地特色的浪漫幻想,开启了托物寄兴的先河。这些审美特质使其绽放出与中原儒家文化既相近又相反的美学风貌。
English Summary:
      《The Songs of CHU》as the example of classical poetry works, initiates “Qu Sao” aesthetic tradition,which has exerted profound influence on the long history of the development of Chinese art. In this regard, the later literary theorists and aesthetician have interpreted it constantly. This article conducts a theoretical analysis on “Qu Sao” aesthetic tradition in the perspective of ancient literary, artistic creation and theoretical point of view, and points out that “Qu Sao” with enriched spiritual content of mankind rational, opened multiple artistic motif, such as patriotism, and with strong Chu characteristics of romantic fantasy, “Qu Sao” opened the empathy precedent. These aesthetical characteristics make “Qu Sao” blossom, in which the aesthetic outlook is similar and opposite to the Confucian culture in the Central Plains.
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