The Basic Principles for Practicing Marxist Ecological View
中文关键词:  马克思主义生态观  以人为本  尊重自然规律
English Keywords:marxist ecological view  people first  respect natural law
Fund Project:
陈宏滨,梁艳霞① 湘潭大学 马克思主义学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1097
全文下载次数: 865
English Summary:
      Marxist ecological view uses historical materialism and view of practice as the foundation, and emphasizes on the harmony of person to person, man and nature, man and society. Historical materialism profoundly reveals the objective laws of development and changes of social relations system with the man as major body. It requires that human beings fully understand the law of nature, grasp the law of nature and in accordance with the law of nature, realizing the harmonious development of the relationship among people, nature and society. The view of practice emphasizes on people's main body role, and that the development of person is conducive to the protection of nature, and the harmony of man and nature, in turn, does good to the free and comprehensive development of people. Therefore, practicing Marxist ecological view requires human beings to obey the principle of respecting natural law and people first at the same time, and it should also reflect the principle of practice, Pay more attention to dealing with the relationship between the three.
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