A Comparative Analysis of Multimodal Metaphors in Chinese and American Beer Commercials
中文关键词:  啤酒  多模态隐喻  身体体验  思想意识  文化背景
English Keywords:beer  multimodal metaphor  bodily experience  ideologies  cultural background
Fund Project:
周花平 邵阳学院 外语系湖南 邵阳 422000 
摘要点击次数: 1071
全文下载次数: 1200
      Forcevill把隐喻研究扩展到多模态层面,开启了隐喻研究的新视窗。文章沿用Lakoff & Johnson (1980)的双域映射框架,从哲学和文化的角度探讨中国和美国32则啤酒广告中多模态隐喻表征方式的异同及原因。中美啤酒广告中都出现了“快乐是喝啤酒”和“啤酒是人/物”的多模态隐喻,中国啤酒中还出现了“放松是喝啤酒”和“民族凝聚力是喝啤酒”的隐喻。相似的多模态隐喻来源于共享的啤酒知识和身体体验,不同的隐喻与隐喻观体现了中美相异的价值取向、和谐观的核心和模态使用偏好。文章所论可为隐喻的思维本质和隐喻的文化限定性的研究提供新的思考。
English Summary:
      Forcevill has extended studies on metaphor into the realm of multimodality, which has opened a new window for metaphor studies. This paper compares multimodal metaphors in a corpus of 32 Chinese and American beer commercials to understand philosophical and cultural differences on the basis of Lakoff & Johnson's cross domain mapping framework. Besides the common metaphors HAPPINESS IS DRINKING BEER and BEER IS A PERSON in both cultures, Chinese commercials display two more metaphors: RELAXATION IS DRINKING BEER and NATIONAL COHESION IS DRINKING BEER. The same metaphors originate from the knowledge of beer and similar bodily experience. Different metaphors are caused by respective value orientation, central view of harmony, and modality preferences. This paper responds to the issues of how to verify the metaphorical nature of conceptual system, and how to explain the cultural causes of metaphor variation.
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