冒丽.目的解释方法在行政审判中的运用及限制——舒江荣闯黄灯案引发的法理思考[J].,2014,15(3):89-93 |
目的解释方法在行政审判中的运用及限制——舒江荣闯黄灯案引发的法理思考 |
Application and Limitations of Teleological Method of Interpretation in Administrative Trial |
投稿时间:2014-01-16 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: “闯黄灯” 行政审判 目的解释 |
English Keywords:running the yellow light administrative trial teleological method of interpretation |
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摘要点击次数: 1227 |
全文下载次数: 945 |
中文摘要: |
文章主要是探讨了目的解释方法在行政审判中的运用及限制。作为全国首例“闯黄灯”行政诉讼案,浙江省嘉兴市中级人民法院终审判决“闯黄灯”车主败诉引起了社会的广泛关注。引人关注的是在该起行政诉讼案件中,法官运用目的解释方法来说理、判案。行政审判领域运用法律解释方法具有必要性及价值,但是目的解释方法具有主观性和随意性。如果不受限制很容易造成司法权借助目的解释而恣意妄为,对法治构成威胁,会出现公权力侵犯私权利等现象。 |
English Summary: |
This paper attempts to investigate application and limitations of teleological method of interpretation in administrative trial. As the nation's first “ running the yellow light” administrative litigation, the final judgment of“running yellow lights ” owner's losing sentenced by Zhejiang province Jiaxing City Intermediate People's Court had caused wide attention of the society. What caused my concern is that the judges use teleological method of interpretation to reason. The administrative trial field using teleological method of interpretation has its necessity and value, but this method is subjective and casual. If there is restriction,it is easy to cause the judicial power to explain with the aim and perpetrate whatever evils one pleases, poses a threat to the rule of law, and there will be public power infringing rights phenomenon. |
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