On the Network News Spokesman System from the Perspective of the Public Sphere——The seventh in a series of research on the discourse power of government microblog
中文关键词:  网络新闻发言人  民主  公共领域
English Keywords:network spokesman  democracy  public sphere
Fund Project:
梁芷铭 钦州学院 法律与公共管理学院广西 钦州 535099 
摘要点击次数: 1176
全文下载次数: 1228
English Summary:
      Network news spokesman has come into being on the basis of economic reform, mature internet technology and democratic political development. It is the product as well as promoter of democracy and constructs a public sphere between the state and society that promotes the development of democratic politics. The network spokesman, a newly emerging group, has many deficiencies such as lack of rational participating force, single direction communication without feedback and increased distortion of information transmission. We need to take various measures to improve its regulation and construction, such as team building, information dissemination, public opinion guidance and perfecting mechanism.
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