Hegemony Behind the Narrative of Extreme Games——An interpretation of Tim Winton’s Breath
中文关键词:  冲浪  死亡  霸权
English Keywords:surfing  death  hegemony
Fund Project:
侯飞 苏州大学 外国语学院江苏 苏州 215012 
摘要点击次数: 940
全文下载次数: 1263
English Summary:
      Surfing, more than just an extreme game with a combination of challenge and risk taking, has become such an arena imbued with seductive power of hegemony and carrier of deterrence from the power. With the overwhelming penetration of the hegemonic awareness directly or indirectly, the excitement and ecstasy in the surfing are deliberately described as individual value, otherwise life is dull and poor. Through the deadly risky extreme game, Winton reveals the hegemony and the trauma it generates by secretly but forcefully inviting pieces of Vietnam War history. In Breath, it’s not difficult to spot such words like, veteran, correspondence, empire and Vietnam War, which are all politically metaphorical. Meanwhile, from the beginning to the end, Breath is known also for its excellent and vivid depiction of the beach, the feeling of surfing as well as the surfing boards. This paper tries to explore how hegemonic power is exposed through the extreme game of surfing.
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