New Discussion on the Nature of Litigation Fraud
中文关键词:  虚假诉讼  主观目的  诈骗罪  敲诈勒索罪  共同犯罪
English Keywords:litigation fraud  subjective purpose  crime of swindling  offence of extortion by blackmail  joint crime
Fund Project:
向夏厅 湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1150
全文下载次数: 1120
English Summary:
      Litigation fraud refers to the action that one institutes civil procedure, criminal action with supplementary civil procedure or administrative procedure by inventing the fact, fabricating the evidence or bribing judge, in order to seek illegal interest, which has seriously impaired others’ legal interest. To clarify according to the different subjective purpose of litigation fraud,it can be divided into two types. One is seeking non property interest and another is seeking property interest. The type of seeking non property interest can be handled according to the specific situation. The type of judge being cheated should be handled according to crime of fraud. The type of seeking property interest should be handled according to the division of work:it should be found as crime of swindling when the parties cheat the judge,and it comes to offence of extortion by blackmail when the parties conspire with the judge.Furthermore,the parties and the judge commit a joint crime when the judge takes an active part in litigation fraud.
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