On the Situation and Countermeasures of the Local Government Performance Evaluation in China
中文关键词:  政府绩效  考核评估  对策分析
English Keywords:government performance  performance appraisal  evaluation
Fund Project:
彭澎 中共湖南省委党校 公共管理教研部湖南 长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 1212
全文下载次数: 976
English Summary:
      The purpose of modern government is to provide good service for the citizens and to improve the government performance. The appraisal of government performance is very important in determining the level of management, improving the governments administrative efficiency and the quality of service. But there still many problems in the local government performance evaluation. At present, it still can't play a very significant role in the promotion of the government to improve the quality of service in many local government performance evaluation. The current government performance evaluation system in China is still in the exploration and trial stage. So to research and discuss the government performance management system is the effective path to enrich and improve our government performance evaluation management system so as to put forward the suggestions and countermeasures to develop performance management system of government departments.
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