Cognitive Differentiation of GAO REN and GAO SHOU
中文关键词:  认知语言学  隐喻  转喻  高人  高手
English Keywords:cognitive linguistics  metaphor  metonymy  GAO REN  GAO SHOU
Fund Project:
王东山 南华大学 外国语学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1207
全文下载次数: 1114
English Summary:
      This paper, starting from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, explores deeply into the derivation processes of the same meaning of expert and master shared by GAO REN and GAO SHOU with metaphor and metonymy theory. The meaning of expert and master is a direct derivation of GAO REN through metaphorical mechanism, in which the connotation of the spatial dimension GAO in the source domain is mapped onto “skilled, beyond the general level of skills” in the target domain. Whereas, the same meaning shared by GAO SHOU derives by means of two mechanisms: metonymical mechanism and metaphorical mechanism. In the first mechanism, SHOU/hand stands for REN/the man, and in the second, the meaning of “skilled, beyond the general level of skills” is derived.
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