A Study of the Status Quo and the Influential Factors of the Self-Consistency and Congruence of Chinese Clinical Physicians
中文关键词:  临床医生  自我和谐  工作压力  医患关系
English Keywords:clinical physicians  self-consistency and congruence  work stress  doctor-patient relationship
Fund Project:
钟毅平,敖翔①,谭鑫①,燕良轼①,陈慧萍②,吴玉婷③,何玉洁③,李林燕④ 湖南师范大学 教育科学学院湖南 长沙 410000 
摘要点击次数: 1288
全文下载次数: 1102
English Summary:
      To investigate the status quo and the influential factors of the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians. Firstly questionnaire investigation was individually conducted to collect valid data from 363 clinical physicians from 22 hospitals across Hunan province, China. Then the data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA and correlative analysis. The results indicate that, first of all, the level of the self-consistency and congruence of the clinical physicians is predominantly low; the scores of all three dimensions of the Self-Consistency and Congruence Scale are significantly lower than the norm (p<0.01).Second, the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians varies according to the age, sex, education background and the level of the hospitals. Third, other factors regarding the working stressor are also significantly correlated to the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians (p<0.01) such as organizational management, vocational interest, workload, vocational development and interpersonal relationship. Last, still other factors concerning the doctor-patient relationship are also significantly correlated to the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians such as physicians subjective experience, quasi-objective questions about the patients behavior and the symptoms-combined elements of the patients behavior and of the physicians subjective response. To conclude, firstly, the status quo of the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians is not optimistic. Secondly, the major external influential factors of the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians are work stress and the doctor-patient relationship. Thus, we argue that the alleviation of work stress and the improvement of the doctor-patient relationship are empirically beneficial for the promotion of the self-consistency and congruence of clinical physicians and thereby reduce their chances of suffering from mental disorders.
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