Comparison and Transforming Routes aboutTraditional Moral Incentives and the Modern Moral Incentives
中文关键词:  道德激励  传统道德激励  现代道德激励  道德建设
English Keywords:moral incentives  traditional moral incentives  modern moral incentives  comparison  moral instruction
Fund Project:
邹海贵,焦惠① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院 湖南衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1217
全文下载次数: 1064
      道德激励是道德调控、道德建设的内在机制,是道德教育的重要途径和手段,完善道德激励机制对当前我国社会主义道德建设有非常重要的意义。文章从分析道德激励内涵入手,对传统道德激励与现代道德激励进行比较, 并提出当前我国实现道德激励现代转化的路径:吸取道德教育传统资源,构建德行有用、德福一致的道德生态环境;实现道德激励主体的多元化;创新道德激励的方式方法,实现道德激励的现代化。
English Summary:
      Moral incentive which is one of the most important ways and means of moral education, is the mechanism of moral construction and moral regulation . Improving moral incentives mechanism is very important to China's socialist building. This paper starts from the connotation of moral incentives and makes comparison between the traditional moral incentives and the modern moral incentives. At the same time, it points out the measures of moral incentives transformed to modern system: profitting traditional moral education; constructing moral ecological environment which morality and happiness are consistent; realizing the the pluralism of moral incentives’ subject; innovating moral incentives’ways and realizing its modernizations.
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