On the Solid Foundation of the Confidence of the Chinese Characteristic Socialism Path——Based on the visual angle of crossing“the Caudine Forks”
中文关键词:  中国特色社会主义  社会主义道路  道路自信  卡夫丁峡谷
English Keywords:the social form  Chinese roads  the confidence  the foundation
Fund Project:
吴丽萍 湖南省委党校 湖南行政学院 科社教研部,湖南长沙 410006 
摘要点击次数: 1164
全文下载次数: 1010
English Summary:
      Crossing the theory of “the Caudine Forks” is a vision that Marx and Engels put forward in the course of studying the east social development path, which provides the oretical guidance to the country of economic and cultural backwardness crossing the capitalist society and taking to the socialist road. The communist party of China will put the combination of the principles of Marxism with Chinese practice in order to form “the two-step” theory of the new democratic revolution with Chinese characteristics and taking to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Eighteenth Congress puts forward the whole party must be confident firmly. The author thinks that the confidence is based on the Chinese characteristic socialism to avoid the “disasters” of capitalism, which pays attention to absorbing and making use of all civilization achievements of capitalism in the construction, achieving the leap development and producing “the positive effect” among other socialist countries in the world.
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