黎金琼.英语短语动词多义性的认知分析——以 “go up”多义性为例[J].,2013,14(2):107-110
英语短语动词多义性的认知分析——以 “go up”多义性为例
A Cognitive Analysis to Polysemy of Phrasal Verbs——Taking “go up” for example
中文关键词:  英语短语动词多义性  意象图式  隐喻  概念整合
English Keywords:the polysemy of phrasal verbs  image schema  metaphor  conceptual blending
Fund Project:
黎金琼 湖南理工学院 公共外语教学部湖南 岳阳 414000 
摘要点击次数: 978
全文下载次数: 1064
      英语短语动词结构复杂,语义丰富,对于英语学习者来说是一种比较难把握的语言现象,但是其多义性的形成是遵循我们的认知规律的。短语动词的多义性根源于动词和小品词的多义性,动词和小品词的多义性主要由我们对它们本身的意象图式的不同视角焦点和隐喻思维形成的,短语动词的多义性是由动词和小品词的意义分别形成不同的输入空间,两输入空间之间经过有选择性的投射,在整合空间的加工而形成了短语动词的多义性。为了探讨多义性形成的机制,文章以“go up”为例,对其多义性进行了详细的阐释。
English Summary:
      Phrasal verbs have complex structures and rich meanings; therefore, it has become a difficult phenomenon for learners to master their polysemy. However, their multi meanings obey our cognitive rules. The polysemy of phrasal verbs results from the polysemy of relative verbs and particles whose multi meanings are caused by our change of focus on their image schemas and metaphors. The polysemy of verbs and particles has formed two input spaces respectively, by selective projection between the meanings of two spaces,the different meanings of phrasal verbs are formed in blending space. In order to illustrate the forming process of polysemy of phrasal verbs, we take the polysemy of “go up”for example.
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