Vulnerability Analysis of Emergency Management for Urban District Based on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
中文关键词:  城市社区  应急管理  脆弱性  模糊综合评价法
English Keywords:urban district  emergency management  frailty  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
Fund Project:
邹清明,肖东生① 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1105
全文下载次数: 815
English Summary:
      The emergency management for urban district is an integral part of the whole region emergency system. The basal works of district emergency management are to find out the weaknesses of emergency management system and to promote the capability of prevention and emergency management of disaster by taking some efficacious and targeted approaches. In this paper,based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, some frailty factors influencing the emergency management of urban district are considered in terms of the following four aspects: demographic and social characteristics, political and economic factors, geographical and environmental factors and public management factors. The identification of the frailty of urban district emergency management is analyzed. Therefore, the study can offer some consultation for laying down efficacious emergency plan.
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