Study on Structure Efficiencies of Modern Service Industry Based on the Perspective of GDP Per Capita——Taking Hengyang city as an example
中文关键词:  现代服务业  DEA  产业结构  效率  GDP
English Keywords:modren Service industry  DEA  industry structure  efficiency  GDP
Fund Project:
张革伕,解淑青①,刘萌芽②,郭敏③ 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1237
全文下载次数: 931
English Summary:
      Industrialization brought not only a rapid GDP growth,but also severe environment damage and fast resources consumption.So,local government put forward strategies to transform and upgrade modern service industry and improve the quality of GDP.Compared with other areas with higher GDP Per Capita,Hengyang city was not as efficient as them in modern service industry,which includes financila insurance,medicine health,tourist recreation,technological R&D,post communication and logistics,with lower efficeency in promoting peoples payment abilities,the third industry value added and the increment of GDP.Adopting data envelopment analysis,the article figured out the technologtical efficiency,scale efficiency and allocation efficicency of Hengyang modern service industry in 2010.The results showed that the structure of modern service industry had a lower efficiency in these areas with a GDP Per Capita lower than CNY 30 000,and a moderate expansion was proposed.
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