Analysis on the Multidimensional Financial Supports to the SCI-TECH Small & Micro Businesses Based on Life Cycles
中文关键词:  科技型小微企业  生命周期  金融支持  创业风险投资  成长性评估
English Keywords:SCI-TECH small and micro businesses  life cycles  financial supporting system  venture investment  growth appraisal systems
Fund Project:
赵玲,李建林① 杭州师范大学 政治经济学院,浙江 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 1291
全文下载次数: 900
English Summary:
      On the post-financial-crisis era, Chinese SCI-TECH small and micro businesses are withstanding severe tests. It’s a imminent task to resolve their financial problems. We have established financial supporting system consistent with the life cycles of the SCI-TECH small and micro businesses. But there are many problems with the system such as the shortage of commercial banks services, the imperfect of venture capital mechanism and the faultiness of securities market. So,we should take measures such as guiding venture capital, creating financial businesses of commercial banks, perfecting stock market, and so on, to improve the supporting system from many dimensions including government, banks, markets and private capitals, and from many periods covering all the life cycles of the SCI-TECH small and micro businesses.
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