Social Trust Crisis from the Perspective of Risk Society and its Countermeasures
中文关键词:  风险社会  信任危机  信任文化  信任制度
English Keywords:risk society  trust crisis  trust culture  trust mechanisms
Fund Project:
张建,陈静① 湖南师范大学 公共管理学院,湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 1091
全文下载次数: 787
English Summary:
      The theory of risk society, has become to be a key concept to understand and explain the present-day world. In the risk society, uncertainty and uncontrollability cause the fracture of structural system of social trust, and result in the crisis including desocialization, privatization, non-rationalization of social trust, etc. The social trust crisis, caused by social risk, can be soloved fundamentally by intensifying the consciousness of trust crisis and risk,rebuilding social culture of trust on publicizing shared value,strengthening the building of trust system,building the third party trust mechanisms. Only in this way, can general trust be formed and the ability to deal with social risk be improved.
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