Comparative Study on Sun Zhongshans Thoughts about Evolution of the World and Mao Zedongs Thoughts about Materialism on Nature
中文关键词:  孙中山  毛泽东  世界进化论  唯物自然观
English Keywords:Sun Zhongshan  Mao Zedong  evolution of the world  materialism on nature
Fund Project:
颜文强 四川大学 道教与宗教文化研究所,四川 成都 610065 
摘要点击次数: 1354
全文下载次数: 1174
English Summary:
      Sun Zhongshans thoughts and Mao Zedongs thoughts are very rich . Their respective thoughts have been studied very widely and deeply in academic circles for dozens of years.The papers about comparative study on their thoughts have been increasing in recent years. But the papers about their philosophical thoughts are rare. Therefore, this article tries to study on their philosophical thoughts.They are based on three aspects,that is,Sun Zhongshans“Taiji Shengyuan”,“Tiyong Lun”,“Sheng Yuan Youzhi”and Mao Zedongs“scientifical practice”,“dialectics”,“opposing subjectivism” .The writer hopes that this paper is helpful to study on Sun Zhongshans thoughts and Mao Zedongs thoughts in a sense.
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