Rural Harmonious Development under the Vision of Balancing Urban and Rural Development
中文关键词:  统筹城乡发展  农村  和谐发展
English Keywords:development  rural areas  harmonious development
Fund Project:
包福存,邱云慧① 兰州工业学院 社会科学系 甘肃 兰州 730050 
摘要点击次数: 909
全文下载次数: 604
English Summary:
      The rural stability and harmony have important significance for promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas, and for achieving the goal of building the over-all well-off society. Proceeding with the urgency and importance of the rural areas’ harmonious development, this paper analyzed the development problems of rural areas: the insufficient rural public service and the lack of professional social service staff that hinder the farmer from fully playing their potentials. At the same time, this paper pertinently put forward the path choice of the rural area harmonious development, including fully carrying out the government’s leading role, which relies on social strength, to establish and improve the rural areas’ public service supply mechanism, developing the rural area’s social affairs by constructing rural area social work teams and exerting farmers’ principal role to stimulate their potential advantages.
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