Changes in Regulation Theories and Approaches to Improvement of Securities Regulation System
中文关键词:  监管理论  监管失灵  审慎监管  证券监管
English Keywords:regulation theory  regulatory failure  prudential supervision  securities supervision
Fund Project:
刘灿辉,曾繁华①,游保德② 中南财经政法大学经济学院 湖北 武汉 430073 
摘要点击次数: 941
全文下载次数: 721
English Summary:
      Regulation theory has an important role in guiding the improvement of securities regulation system, and a national securities regulation system whether is perfect or not,will affect the healthy and orderly development of securities markets. This paper, by examining the changes in regulatory theory, discovers the securities regulation and its theory are bound by the economic mainstream thought. The crisis is an important impetus to the development of regulation theory, and the theory is restricted by its precondition which has its own limitations.This may lead to market failure or regulation failure, which would affect the validity of the securities market. By analysing the advantages and disadvantages of domestic and international regulation theory, this paper hope to improve China's securities regulatory system.
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