On Corpus-based E-C Translation of English Arbitrary Trademark Words
中文关键词:  语料库  关联翻译理论  臆造英语商标词  翻译方法
English Keywords:Corpus  the Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory  English arbitrary trademark words  translation methods
Fund Project:
李广伟,戈玲玲① 南华大学 外国语学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 936
全文下载次数: 756
      文章通过自主创建语料库的方式, 在关联翻译理论视角下,对臆造英语商标词的汉译进行了定量及定性研究,旨在发现其汉译规律。结果表明:关联翻译理论对臆造英语商标词的汉译有着极强的解释力,根据臆造英语商标词的构词特点,其翻译是有规律可循的:由复合方式构成的商标词主要采用直译法;由词缀构成的商标词则可采用谐音寓意法;由变异拼写、拟声构词方式构成或毫无构词理据的商标词则可采用音译法,且该法仍为翻译臆造英语商标词普遍采用的翻译方法;而对大部分毫无构词规律的臆造商标词,则可利用其语音或语符相关性,考虑汉语受众的喜好采用联想译法,以迎合他们的认知语境,激发其强烈的购买欲,达到成功交际的目的。
English Summary:
      This study attempts to discuss translating English arbitrary trademark words into Chinese based on a self-built corpus from the perspective of the Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory. It shows that the Relevance-Theoretic Translation Theory can be used to guide the translation of English arbitrary trademark words. With the target audience’s cognitive environment and acceptance as well as the formational rules of English arbitrary trademark words into consideration, a translator can translate English arbitrary trademark words with compounding, Affixation, Anagrammatic spelling and Onomatopoeia by the methods of literal translation, transliteration as well as the combination of sound and meaning respectively, while arbitrary trademark words with other formational method can employ associative translation, zero translation etc. to achieve successful communication.
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