A Contrastive Analysis of the Collocation“Demonstrative + Time Nouns” in English and Chinese
中文关键词:  指示词  时间名词  语义  模糊  精确
English Keywords:demonstratives  time nouns  semantic meaning  vagueness  accuracy
Fund Project:
陈晦 浙江农林大学 外国语学院,浙江 临安 311300 
摘要点击次数: 1187
全文下载次数: 1050
      英汉时间指示语都可以通过指示词与时间名词组合而成。指示词与时间名词在组合使用时会有各自不同的搭配方式和指示信息。英语 “this/these + time noun”短语与汉语“这/这些 + 时间名词”短语在搭配习惯及词组语义上存在共性和差异,即意义相同的指示词都可以接纳时间名词组合成时间指示语,但后接具体名词并不能一一对应;二者在语义上存在模糊与精确之分,也有模糊度或精确度强弱之分。这些差异本质上源于中西思维模式的不同。对此短语进行语义认知研究有助于对指示词和时间名词的精确理解与使用,有利于跨文化交际、外语教学及翻译实践。
English Summary:
      Time phrases can be formed through the collocation of demonstratives and time nouns both in English and Chinese. But the collocating ways and semantic meanings of the phrases in the two languages differ in some interesting aspects. Based upon the investigation of the English expression “this/these + time nouns” and the Chinese expression “zhe/zhexie + shijian mingci”, this paper first describes the disparities of collocational conventions and semantic meanings of time phrases in English and Chinese, and points out that some specific time nouns in the two languages do not correspond and that differences of vagueness and accuracy in semantic meaning also exist. Then, from the perspective of modes of thinking, this paper provides an account of the relevant differences.
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