On the Power of Review of Legal Norms by the People’s Courts
中文关键词:  人民法院  法规范  审查权
English Keywords:the peoples courts  legal norms  the power of review
Fund Project:
王娜 中国政法大学 法学院北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 870
全文下载次数: 747
English Summary:
      Now the research on the power of review of legal norms by the people’s courts is backward in China, and it can not meet the needs of judicial practice. In the light of relevant provisions of the Constitution and the law, the peoples courts have the power to review legal norms under the law indirectly. Whether related legal norms exceed authority and violate the Constitution and the law should be served as standards of examination of legal norms by the peoples courts, rather than the standards of examination of legal norms by legislative and administrative organs. In addition, the conclusions of review of legal norms by the people’s courts only have binding force on the parties in specific cases, and have no force on other persons, organizations or state organs.
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