The Research of the Eastern Aggression of the Shan Group——Save-oneself of literature media and pure literature
中文关键词:  陕军东征  文学困境  作家困境  文学传媒  联袂自救
English Keywords:Eastern Aggress of the Shan Group  literary plight  writers’ confusion  literary media  jointly self-help
Fund Project:
何璐 湖南工学院 思政部湖南 衡阳 421002 
摘要点击次数: 772
全文下载次数: 720
English Summary:
      The early 1990s saw the phenomenon the Eastern Aggress of the Shan Group in the field of Chinese literature. It is believed that its success is the result of many factors. In that period the writers as well as their works suffered the plight badly. Meanwhile, the literary media industry was threatened to lose its position in the market after a series of literary reforms. But with the demonstration effect of best seller, literature and media industry came hand in hand together, which led to the success of the Eastern Aggress of the Shan Group.
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