王盛 ,肖祥敏① ,黄秋生②.论核电安全监管中的道德风险及其防范[J].,2011,12(1):7-9
The Economic Game Analysis on Moral Hazard in the Safety Supervision of Nuclear Power
中文关键词:  核电  安全监管  道德风险  博弈
English Keywords:nuclear power  safety supervision  moral hazard  game
Fund Project:
王盛 ,肖祥敏① ,黄秋生② 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 964
全文下载次数: 805
English Summary:
      At present, the development of nuclear power has become an important approach for all countries of the world to resolve environmental and energy problem, and is a major policy of energy construction in our country. However, there is also moral hazard problem of relative enterprises. The method of game analysis is introduced, the model of game supervision on moral hazard in the safety supervision of nuclear power enterprise is built, its statically hybrid strategy is analyzed by equilibrium analysis with finitely dynamic game analysis, related results are provided, and relevant suggestions are presented in this paper.
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